Étiquette : vie

How did the building blocks of life arrive on Earth?


How did the building blocks of life arrive on Earth? Researchers have used the chemical fingerprints of zinc contained in meteorites to determine the origin of volatile elements on Earth. The results suggest that without ‘unmelted’ asteroids, there may not…


Rain may have helped form the first cells, kick-starting life as we know it


Billions of years of evolution have made modern cells incredibly complex. Inside cells are small compartments called organelles that perform specific functions essential for the cell’s survival and operation. For instance, the nucleus stores genetic material, and mitochondria produce energy.…


Le hasard et la nécessité – Jacques Monod, un des pères de la biologie moléculaire


Jacques Monod a été beaucoup de choses tout au long de sa vie : aspirant chef d’orchestre, héros de la Résistance française, fléau de la pseudo-science soviétique qui voulait démanteler Darwin, personne de contact pour les scientifiques persécutés de l’autre…
