Étiquette : eau

Une nouvelle spectroscopie révèle les secrets quantiques de l’eau


Pour la première fois, des scientifiques de l’EPFL ont observé les molécules qui participent aux liaisons hydrogène dans l’eau liquide, mesurant des effets quantiques électroniques et nucléaires qui n’étaient auparavant accessibles que par des simulations théoriques. L’eau est synonyme de…


How did the building blocks of life arrive on Earth?


How did the building blocks of life arrive on Earth? Researchers have used the chemical fingerprints of zinc contained in meteorites to determine the origin of volatile elements on Earth. The results suggest that without ‘unmelted’ asteroids, there may not…


Rain may have helped form the first cells, kick-starting life as we know it


Billions of years of evolution have made modern cells incredibly complex. Inside cells are small compartments called organelles that perform specific functions essential for the cell’s survival and operation. For instance, the nucleus stores genetic material, and mitochondria produce energy.…


Why doesn’t water help with spicy food? What about milk or beer?


Spicy foods taste spicy because they contain a family of compounds called capsaicinoids. Capsaicin is the major culprit. It’s found in chillies, jalapeños, cayenne pepper, and is even the active ingredient in pepper spray. Capsaicin doesn’t actually physically heat up…


Pour boire, les dauphins doivent manger des poissons


Pour tous les amoureux des animaux, le mois de septembre 2023 restera un mois noir. Sur les berges du lac Tefé, un affluent de l’Amazone au Brésil, 130 dauphins roses (Inia geoffrensis), 23 dauphins tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis), mais également des…
