Auteur/autrice : S & T

Why doesn’t water help with spicy food? What about milk or beer?


Spicy foods taste spicy because they contain a family of compounds called capsaicinoids. Capsaicin is the major culprit. It’s found in chillies, jalapeños, cayenne pepper, and is even the active ingredient in pepper spray. Capsaicin doesn’t actually physically heat up…


Des mesures de haute précision pour percer les mystères des céphéides


 Lien vers la photo d’origine. Des scientifiques de l’EPFL, à travers le projet VELOCE, ont pu mesurer avec une précision sans précédent la vitesse des céphéides, ces «chandelles standard» qui permettent de mesurer la taille de l’Univers. Les «céphéides classiques»…


Mieux comprendre la mémoire de court terme grâce à la plasticité neuronale


En bref Les synapses, et non les neurones, jouent le rôle principal dans la mémoire de travail. Pour simplifier l’analyse des réseaux neuronaux, les premières études considéraient les neurones comme « fixes », occultant ainsi la plasticité synaptique. Des chercheurs de l’Université…


Electronics made of wood and paper


To develop eco-friendly electronics such as sensors and circuit boards, Dr Valerio Beni is following the paper trail – literally. An expert in green chemistry at Swedish research institute RISE, Beni has switched his focus to wood from pulp in…


What’s going on in our brains when we plan?


Study uncovers how the brain simulates possible future actions by drawing from our stored memories. In pausing to think before making an important decision, we may imagine the potential outcomes of different choices we could make. While this ‘mental simulation’…


Hydrogen, the net-zero hero?


Green hydrogen could transform our energy system and solve many supply and emissions challenges. Whether this happens will depend on how economically it can be produced and attractive it will be to consumers. Among the promising technologies for powering a…


Cinq beaux dés


Un lancer de cinq dés donne les nombres 1, 3, 4, 5 et 6. i) En combinant les nombres à l’aide de +, -, x et ÷, quel est le résultat le plus proche de l’objectif de 55 ? ii)…


New open-source platform allows users to evaluate performance of AI-powered chatbots


Researchers have developed a platform for the interactive evaluation of AI-powered chatbots such as ChatGPT. Anyone using an LLM, for any application, should always pay attention to the output and verify it themselves Albert Jiang A team of computer scientists,…


Miracle material enters the limelight with European help


First isolated in 2004 by future Nobel Prize Laureates, researchers Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov at the University of Manchester, this new material made from a single layer of carbon atoms immediately raised the interest of the scientific world with…


New power cables in Europe to make energy cheaper and more sustainable


EU-funded researchers are looking to improve electric grid to reduce energy waste, cut costs and curb emissions. When news articles appeared in 2021 about a slowdown in copper production and concerns about being able to meet future demand for the…
